Mark Berch

Since 2002, Mark Berch has been providing Jewishly oriented web links to members of his shul (Tifereth Israel, a small Conservative synagogue in Washington DC where his family has been members for almost 40 years). In real life, he is a Patent Examiner.


Articles by Mark Berch

Judaism & The Arts

Increasingly, artistic works of Judaica are being housed not in Jewish institutions or self-contained collections, but rather in mainstream institutions, ...

Obama, AIPAC & Republicans

The text of President Obama’s Middle-East address. (Los Angeles Times)Akiva Eldar: “No American president or presidential candidate has ever told ...

Synagogues & Rabbis

Pulpit Rabbi Marci N. Bellows talks about allowing her congregation to friend her on Facebook, finding “something close to “I-Thou” ...

Civilized Discourse

Do the Zionist left and Zionist right really have to keep demonizing each other? (Forward)Says Rabbi Reuven Hammer “I am ...

Jewish Languages: What’s Trending?

“Yeshivish” is a normal form of discourse for many Orthodox Jews in America–but could it become a new language? (Forward)Daven ...

Egypt & Israel

Rob Eshman challenges the standard Jewish response of  “full-throated pessimism” to the events of Egypt, noting “I worry that fear ...

Business in Israel

Israeli companies are starting to outsource work to Palestinians.  (Ha’aretz)“Going beyond Israel’s “Start-Up Nation” model will not be easy. The ...

Inside The Haredi World

Six Haredi educational institutions are suspected of having cheated the state out of tens of millions of shekels through the ...

The World of Jewish Music

A look at Jish, a mixed Jewish-Arab group of songsters. (Ha’aretz)An extensive profile of Subliminal, Israel’s biggest hip-hop star. (Tablet)Why ...

The Generation Gap in American Jewry

At this year’s General Assembly of The Jewish Federations of North America, clear signs of the “tricky terrain” between the ...
