Leora Kimmel Greene

Leora Kimmel Greene is a food loving, adventure seeking, event planner with a passion for photography, event design, yoga, and DIY projects! She is a blogger documenting her experience of accomplishing 30 things before she turns 30. She lives in Brookline, MA with her husband and their dog Roki. You can also follow her on Twitter.

Articles by Leora Kimmel Greene

Pumpkin Beef Chili

My husband and I just bought our first house – such an exciting milestone – and so for the first ...

Braised Leeks with Thyme and Pomegranate

These flavors deepen as they are cooked, making them sweeter.

Ramp Chimichurri Challah

This springtime delicacy will leave beautiful streaks of green in an incredibly soft and flavorful challah.

Lettuce Wrap Pulled Beef Tacos with Guacamole

When I started eating a mainly Paleo diet I immediately began to think about how to convert some favorite recipes ...

Oatmeal Lace Cookies

I am over the snow and so is the rest of Boston where I live. Each morning I wake up ...

Bread Machine Challah

When my husband and I first got married and we started to host Shabbat dinner I was determined to make ...

Homemade Almond Milk Smoothie

I recently started my second round with a diet/food-cleanse called Whole 30, in which you eat nothing but unprocessed, unrefined, sugar-free food, ...

Grilled Korean Ribs

Every Sunday over the summer months was BBQ night for my family and my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents would ...

Quinoa Sweet Potato Patties with Arugula Salad

I don’t mind admitting that Passover completely stresses me out. Inevitably I will start to cook something and realize I ...