
Genesis 25:19-28:9


For entire text in Hebrew and English, click here: Genesis 25:19-28:9

In this Torah portion, Rebecca and Isaac have twins, the smooth-skinned Jacob, who Rebecca favors, and the hairy Esau, who Isaac favors. After coming home from a hunting trip, Esau asks his brother for some lentil soup, but Jacob tells him he must trade him his birthright. Years later, when Isaac is old and blind, Jacob tricks his father into giving him the firstborn blessing. Jacob leaves his home, out of fear of his brother, to find a wife at his uncle Laban’s house.

Click here for a summary of Toldot.
Click here for a summary of Haftarat Toldot.

hairy arms of Esau for parashat toldot
Esau’s hairy hands.

Text Studies

Social Action and Environmentalism

Nature Or Nurture
Rabbi Howard Alpert, Hillel


Manipulating Food Supply to Gain Power
Rachel Farbiarz, AJWS


Rebecca’s Spiritual Crisis
Rabbi Jordan D. Cohen, KOLEL


Change is Possible
Rabbi James Maisels, AJWS


Only Connect
Rabbi Ruth Gais, Union for Reform Judaism


The Work Was Unfinished
Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster, AJWS


One Jew, Two Opinions
Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger


Sharing The Blessing
Rabbi Dan Bronstein,


Digging Wells, Conserving Water
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Canfei Nesharim


From the Denominations

Pluralism and Outreach

John Wayne Meets Jacob
Rabbi Bradley Artson, American Jewish University


(Un)Conditional Love
Rabbi Shimon Felix, Bronfman Youth Fellowships


Valuing Differences
Rabbi Steven Brown, Jewish Theological Seminary


All Over Again
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Big Tent Judaism


Synthesizing The Physical And The Spiritual
Nathan J. Diament, Orthodox Union


Overcoming Destiny
Gary Rubin, UJA-Federation of New York


Family and Fun

Toldot & Alternative Families
Rabbi Valerie Lieber, Women of Reform Judaism


Parshat Toldot Quiz
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies


Parshat Toldot Challah
Julie Seltzer


Parshat Toldot for Families
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