Jewish Curricular Resources

Need help preparing lesson plans for a Hebrew school or other Jewish class you are teaching? Below are some resources. To suggest more, email

Behrman House Curriculum Helper
Resources on spirituality, the Bible, holidays, Israel, and more
Database of materials created by Torah educators

Holocaust Teacher Resource Center
Provides curricula about the Holocaust for teachers

Jewish Learning Matters
Lesson plans, craft ideas, games and other resources — categorized by grade level — for Jewish educators.

The Jewish Museum of London’s Teacher Resources
Downloadable worksheets in Adobe Acrobat format on topics ranging from holidays to marriage to Jewish texts.

Jewish Women’s Archive
Bringing Jewish women’s lives and stories into the classroom

League of Observant Jewish Homeschoolers
Features Jewish home-schooling curricula’s Lesson Plans
Lesson plans on Bible/Tanakh, Hebrew Language, Holidays, Jewish History, and Jewish Law/Halakha

Out of Spain
Educational and training materials for children 10 to 12 exploring Sephardic history, customs, festivals, music, food and folklore

Say It With Plays
Offers original plays, skits, and other media for use in the service of Jewish education

TaL Am
Provides Hebrew and Jewish heritage curriculum development

Torah School
Provides Torah-related resources for teachers


Discover More

How to Find a Jewish Study Partner Online

Resources for learning with others on the Internet.

How to Say the Shehechiyanu Blessing

This blessing is traditionally recited upon doing something for the first time.