
Exodus 13:17-17:16


For full text in Hebrew and English, click here: Exodus 13:17-17:16

In this Torah portion, God tells Moses to have the Israelites set up camp at the Sea of Reeds, but then Pharaoh changes his mind  about freeing the Jews and chases his former slaves. With the Egyptians on the Israelites’ tail, God splits the sea and Moses leads the Israelites through it. When the Egyptians enter, God closes the waters and the Egyptians drown. Miriam leads all the women in song and dance to celebrate. Soon after, the Israelites begin to complain about life in the desert. God provides quail and manna to feed them. The Israelites battle the Amalekites and win.

Click here for a summary of B’shalah.
Click here for a summary of the haftarah for B’shalah.

The Red Sea of Egypt
Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea,
which God split in half.

Text Studies

Social Action and Environmentalism

What Are You Yelling At Me For?
Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Hillel


From Insecurity to Sovereignty
Alana Alpert, AJWS

The Test Of The Manna
Rabbi Neal J. Loevinger, KOLEL


Nothing Is Unchangeable
Rabbi Elliot Kukla, AJWS


God And The Angel: Leaders And Protectors
Rabbi Deborah Pipe-Mazo, Union for Reform Judaism


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Guy Izhak Austrain, AJWS



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Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, socialaction.com


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Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz, Canfei Nesharim


From the Denominations

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Risky Travels
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Deborah Joselow, UJA-Federation of New York


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Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies


Parshat B’shalah Challah
Julie Seltzer


Parshat B’shalah for Families
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