Rosh Hashanah

Where to Stream Rosh Hashanah Services for Free

Where to find a free online service for the Jewish new year.

Tashlich, the Symbolic Casting Off of Sins

A Rosh Hashanah ritual for the whole family.

How to Greet Someone on Rosh Hashanah

Shana Tova and various other greetings are used when wishing someone a happy Jewish new year.

Must-Know Rosh Hashanah Words and Phrases

Your glossary for the Jewish New Year.


Next Torah Portion


In this Torah portion, Moses recites a song to the Children of Israel that serves as testimony of their covenant with God. God tells Moses to head up Mount Nebo to find his final resting place.


Parashat Ha’Azinu

Deuteronomy 32:1-52

Hosea 14:2-10; Joel 2:15-27 | Shabbat Shuva (with Ha'azinu)

Parashat Ha’azinu: Paradigm Shift

Moses’ final dramatic message to the Israelites introduces some new names and characteristics of God.

Jewish Meditation Moment

Meets: Tuesdays

Hosted by: My Jewish Learning

recharge now

Our weekly Shabbat newsletter, Recharge, features a thoughtful, timely essay to enrich your Shabbat. Here are a few of our recent pieces:

The Anxiety of Autumn

Jewish tradition places its celebration of the new year at a precarious moment in the calendar.

Leaning In to Strength

In this season of forgiveness, let us not only name our shortcomings but amplify our virtues.

An Awakening at the Garden

How do we let our hearts dance when they’re still so heavy? 


What Is a Shofar?

Blowing the ram’s horn on the High Holidays.

The Art of Teshuvah

The Jewish practice of repentance involves not merely turning away from sin, but turning toward the dark parts of ourselves.

Bring Your Own Books

Seven things to read in shul on the High Holidays.

What Happens in Synagogue on Rosh Hashanah

Highlights of the Jewish New Year prayer services.

How to Prepare for Rosh Hashanah

During the month of Elul, prayers to say and vows to renounce.
