

Jewish Soups Quiz

How well do you know your soups?

Sephardic Food

How much do you know about food from Sephardic communities?

Quiz: Jewish Athletes

Can you name these famous Jewish athletes?

Mayim Bialik Quiz

How much do you know about the Emmy-nominated Jewish actress and Kveller contributor Mayim Bialik?

Shabbat Food Quiz

Five questions to test your knowledge on everything from kugel to cholent.

Famous Jewish Dads

They act, they sing, they make movies, and they eat matzah ball soup. How much do you know about these ...

Israeli Food Quiz

Can you tell your hummus from your shakshuka?

The Mom Quiz

Mama, Mommy, Ima, or Mom–whatever you call her, how much do you know about mothers, and the way they are ...
