A Feminist Ryan Gosling for the Shomer-Shabbos Crowd

Inspired by the ubiquitous Venmo ads on the NYC Subway, comedian and former yeshiva student Eitan Levine came up with these:

lucas likes tefillin

Lucas’s take on Genesis:

lucas venmo snake


Lucas prefers mehitzah minyans where women participate within the scope of halakhah:

Lucas has a partnership minyan


Lucas loves Jewish feminist literature, too!

venmo lucas red tentSee more from him on lucasthejewishfeminist tumblr and @Eitanthegoalie.

Lucas could learn more about women wearing tefillin and partnership minyanim.

Don’t know the Feminist Ryan Gosling? Give yourself some cultural education and a few good laughs.

And of course, we couldn’t help ourselves:

venmo lucas JOFA membership

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