Teaching the Holocaust


A look at some disagreements in how the Holocaust should be taught, including the emphasis on victimhood, the importance of the “technical details” and whether there has been “too much emphasis on the Jewish aspects of the Holocaust.” (Ha’aretz)

The Holocaust was not just about the Jews, and Anshel Pfeffer decries the fact that this simple fact isn’t being taught in Israeli schools. (Ha’aretz)

In 1943, about 250 Jews escaped from a work camp in Poland through a 700-foot tunnel dug by hand. Here is the story of one: Sonya Oshman. (Tablet)

Israel has decided that high school students will learn for the first time about the Eichmann trial and its impact on the shaping of the collective memory of the Holocaust in Israel. (Ha’aretz)

A look at the use of motion comics (animatics), which may blend in archival footage, to tell Holocaust stories. (Jewish Week)


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