WAY Crazier than Triumph the Insult Comic Dog


I blogged yesterday about Triumph the Insult Comic Dog’s appearance at this year’s Chabad Telethon. But thanks to my friend Adam, who I continuously rely on to find the most insane stories out there, I found out about a much, much, much, MUCH, crazier appearance.

Ron Artest is crazy As a promotion for the telethon, Chabad held a free throw shooting contest (with every shot made in 60 seconds equaling an $1000 donation to Chabad) featuring, arguably the craziest man on the planet, Ron “Tru Warier” Artest. You may remember him from such instances like this (By the way, while he may be mentally insane, Artest also happens to be one of my favorite players. That’s just how to the NBA goes).

You can read all about it in The New Republic and see a slide show of the event courtesy of Chabad. But I think we can all agree that this picture is one of the more insane things you’ve ever seen. It’s almost like no one at Chabad has seen Sportscenter ever.


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