Obama & Israel

Kadima’s Tzipi Livni, Likud’s Binyamin Netanyahu and Labor’s Ehud Barak all want to sound like Obama (Jerusalem Post).

Ari Shavit sees one goal above all others for Obama: “stop the ayatollahs’ centrifugesâ€? (Haaretz).

Aluf Benn predicts: “In the coming weeks Obama will star in the Israeli election campaign, and every appointment he makes, every hint of his positions and intentions for the Middle East will be used immediately in the candidates’ propagandaâ€? (Haaretz).

Right wing Knesset party leader Aryeh Eldad says Israel should be wary of Obama, because “he is prone to buying the Arabs’ favors with Israeli currency” (Haaretz).

Amir Mizroch and Herb Keinon give their take on how much latitude and support Israel can, and cannot, expect from Obama (Jerusalem Post).

Ron Ben-Yishai’s analysis focuses on Obama’s advisors, and whether he can restore US power and influence (ynet news).

Obama and the Black Hebrews in Dimona (Jerusalem Post).

Caroline Glick sets out the dreadfulness of “Livni’s Obama strategyâ€? (Jerusalem Post).

Gideon Levy hopes that “Obama who won’t blindly follow the positions of the Jewish lobby and the Israeli government…â€? (Haaretz).

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