Activism & Gender Issues in Israel


Three Jerusalem women from Orthodox, Conservative and Reform streams of Judaism in Israel have launched the transdenominational “Kehillat Tzedek, a grassroots movement aimed at increasing social activism within congregations of all denominations, including congregations that define themselves as “secular” or “nondenominational”, reasoning that social activism can be something which unites diverse religious groups. (Jerusalem Post)

Israeli gender equality expert Catharine MacKinnon talks about progress made, and says Israel should adopt the Swedish model, in which the pimps and the clients are criminalized rather than those who are prostituted. (Jerusalem Post)

92% of employed women who became pregnant during the past five years feared that they would be laid off as a result, a fear which is almost entirely unjustified. (Haaretz)

The Schnitt Committee recommendation calling for the overturning of the law granting mothers custody of children up to the age of 6 in divorce cases, “may appear to be egalitarian, but actually goes against everything that is proper and right and decent� says Sefi Rachlevsky. (Haaretz)


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