Synagogues & Rabbis

-Rabbis find they need to choose their political roles, if any, with care. (Washington Jewish Week)

-A look at the varied paths that brought 4 people to become cantors. (The Jewish Week)

-The new Reform siddur Mishkan T’filah seems to be going over well in San Francisco Temples — even though it contains no directions whatsoever. (J.)

-For Rabbi Berl Lazar, chief rabbi of Russia, who “enjoys President Vladimir Putin’s trust and “is backed by billionaire Lev Leviev … these are good times.â€? But there are delicate issues for him to deal with, and there is resentment about his monopoly. (Haaretz)

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Synagogues & Rabbis

-When an interfaith center building is owned in part by a Messianic Jewish organization, should a rabbi agree to officiate ...

Help me Natalie Portman. You’re my only hope.

I’m not sure of many things.  But one thing I am sure of is that Natalie Portman and I are ...

Is the PA Disbanding?

GAZA TURMOIL: Danny Rubinstein noting that “recent events we have been witnessing in Gaza are actually the disbanding of Palestinian ...