West Bank Outposts


An overview of the unauthorized settlement outposts in the West Bank finds there to be over 100 at present. Ariel Sharon’s dismantlement promise to Bush covers only outposts established after March 2001 (25 or 50, depending on who you ask). These house about 3000 people, and some are indisputably built at least partly on private Palestinian land. (Haaretz)

-Plans for evacuation of West Bank outposts are the subject of a bitter squabble between Olmert and defense minister Barak. (Haaretz)

-And, contrary to this report, the Yesha Council head denies that any agreement has been reached regarding the peaceful dismantling of Jewish outposts. And he warns: “No one expects the dismantling of Migron to go over without an Amona-style fight.� (Israel National News)

-Member of Knesset Arye Eldad  says “Our instructions to the residents of Judea and Samaria are to violate the law and build“ unauthorized buildings. (The Jerusalem Post)

-Similarly, in the face of a governmental decree banning any Jewish construction in the West Bank, Gush Emunim co-founder Benny Katzover says, “My suggestion is to choose a public building, such as a synagogue or a school or the like, in one of the central communities, and start building it openly – using it as a symbol of our fight against this White Paper decree, showing that the decrees are immoral and anti-Jewish.â€? (Israel National News)

-A close-up look at defiant attitudes in the outpost movement in the West Bank, where “Many Answer Bush’s Demand For End to Illegal Settlements By Starting New Constructionâ€?. Focus is on Shvut Ami, which has been evacuated 8 times already, only to have settlers return. (The Washington Post)

-And just now, Shvut Ami has been evacuated once again. (Haaretz)

-Akiva Eldar wonders how Defense Minister Ehud Barak can be offering to legalize some of the outposts since the road map agreement says “The Government of Israel will immediately dismantle settlement outposts erected since March 2001. … Consistent with the Mitchell Report, GOI freezes all settlement activity (including natural growth of settlements).” (Haaretz)


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