Israel News Update

The strike of Israel’s teachers, which began October 10, drags on amidst discussion of class size, works hours, and salary. (Haaretz)

-And as for the separate strike at universities, “For the first time in Israel’s history, there’s a real danger that the academic year will be canceled,” says Bar-Ilan University President Prof. Moshe Kaveh. (The Jerusalem Post)

-Ongoing discussions of breaking up Belgium along religious and ethnic lines are clear evidence of the impracticality of a binational state, says Calev Be-David. (The Jerusalem Post)

-Moshe Arens says that the Palestinian people’s suffering is “their own fault,� the Palestinian narrative of the War of Independence is “nothing but a fabric of lies,� and that Olmert’s goal of establishing a Palestinian state is “post-Zionism.� (Haaretz)

-Mr. Falah, a prominent political geographer, a tenured professor at the University of Akron, and a dual citizen of Israel and Canada, was arrested by the Shin Bet and held for 23 days. His story gives a stark “definition to the risks involved in studying the region,� as it took a major effort of other scholars in the field, and a court order, to get him released. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

The Israeli public has shown little interest in the Annapolis conference and “the overall public sentiment was negative, particularly regarding whether the conference achieved a basic clarification of the disagreements between Israel and the Palestinians, or advanced chances of peace.� (Haaretz)

-Turkey and Israel are currently examining an “infrastructure corridor” (underwater oil, gas, electricity water lines and optical fiber cables) from Turkey, to Haifa. Plans to include Turkish-held northern Cyprus in this are alarming the Greek-oriented Cyprus government. (Haaretz)

-Leonard Fein argues that at this point in time, “failure to move responsibly toward a two-state agreement would likely consign the idea to the ash heap of history, ensuring a future not less bloody than the past. (Forward)

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