Religion in Israel

  • A look at the extensive splits within the religious establishment in Israel, and their increasing inability to deal with challenges from both the secular world and from the Reform/Conservative movements, and the decreasing influence that the Rabbinical establishment has, even though they retain considerable institutional power. (The Jerusalem Post)
  • A new book looks at the diversity of Haredi society by analyzing its internal dialog, especially in terms of the impact of recorded sermons and the overall attitude toward the media, attitudes toward and impact of newly observant Jews, “changes in the Haredi attitude to the Holocaust… the mass entry of Haredi women into the workforce … the penetration of modern Israeli culture into ultra-Orthodoxy.â€? (Haaretz)
  • When a new pork-selling supermarket opened in the Netanya city center, haredim chained themselves to the supermarket’s doors. The Netanya City Council then approved a bylaw prohibiting the sale of pork in the city. Said an opponent: “The supporters of the law want to force norms befitting Iran.” (Ynet)
  • Rabbi David Ellenson, the president of Hebrew Union College (HUC), the Reform Movement’s rabbinic seminary, comes to Israel to talk about religious pluralism in the past,and of the dangers of ignorance, even among secular Israelis. (Haaretz)

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Women in Israel

-Israel’s parliament is only 14.2% women, ranking it 101 out of 188 countries, even below some Muslim countries like Tunisia ...

Poverty & Racism in Israel

POVERTY AND WORK ISSUES: Workforce participation of Ethiopian men aged 22-64 has fallen substantially in the past 10 years. (Haaretz) ...

Trouble in (Academic) Paradise

Israeli Arabs will distribute 20,000 booklets on the Nakba, the Palestinian version of 1948 events outside of schools in Arab ...
