Gaza/West Bank Fantasies

  • Nahum Barnea argues that current notions, based on a total Fatah/West bank and Hamas/Gaza separation are based on utterly unrealistic assumptions about Fatah and Hamas. (Ynet)
  • Similarly, Uzi Benziman argues that such plans are “dreams,â€? based on a fantasy about what Egypt and Jordan are willing to do. (Haaretz)
  • And Johns Hopkins professor Fouad Ajami says: “SO the masked men of Fatah have the run of the West Bank while the masked men of Hamas have their dominion in Gaza. Some see this as a tolerable situation, maybe even an improvement, envisioning a secularist Fatah-run state living peacefully alongside Israel and a small, radical Gaza hemmed in by Israeli troops. It’s always tempting to look for salvation in disaster, but in this case it’s sheer fantasy.â€? (The New York Times)

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