Tetzaveh Text Study


The Routine vs. The Novel

The rituals of the tabernacle and Temple called for strictly defined roles -- but also allowed for new expressions.

Live To Serve

Like the priests and Levites, we must find our unique eternal flame to light the world.

Parashat Tetzaveh: Summary

God describes to Moses the clothing and anointing process of the priests.

Clothes Make The Person

The emphasis on the priestly clothes teaches us the importance of bringing honor and splendor to God and the commandments.

Multiplicity Of Meanings

The high priest's breastplate reminds us of the numerous ways to understand text and reality.


Exodus 27:20-30:10

The Holy Art of Sacrifice

Balancing wisdom with passion is the key to achieving justice in the world.

Moses’ Absence

Parashat Tetzaveh foreshadows the connection the Children of Israel will have with God after the death of Moses.

Aromatherapy: Jewish Style

The incense reminds us to unite our bodies and souls in our service of God and to imbue our lives with holiness, purity, compassion and hope.
