
Rabban Gamaliel

Many rabbis of the same name served as Nasi or Prince.

Who Was Rabbi Akiva?

The second-century sage was the inspiration for many legends and may have died as a martyr.

Jews & Sports: Premodern History

Throughout Jewish history until the rise of the Zionist movement, Jews have harbored negative attitudes toward sports, often with good reason.

The History of Jewish Dance

Jewish dance from the Bible to Hasidism.

The Origins of Jewish Performance

From Prohibition to Precedent.

Avot d’Rabbi Natan

A companion volume to Pirkei Avot.

The Talmud Goes to College

Ancient Jewish law and legend embraced by the academy.

The Methodology of Brisk

Rabbi Hayim of Brisk revolutionized Talmud study--and his method remains dominant today.

Rabbenu Tam

The grandson of Rashi and leader of medieval French Jewry.

Pirkei Avot: Ethics of Our Fathers

This section of the Mishnah is one of the best-known and most cited of Jewish texts.