
Why Some Holidays Last Longer Outside Israel

Israelis and liberal Jews observe fewer days for some holidays than traditional Diaspora Jews.

Why Beat the Willow?

When tradition is silent, symbolic explanations arise.

The Ritual of Beating the Willow

How did this Sukkot tradition develop?

Simchat Beit Hashoavah: The Water-Drawing Festival

This lively ancient Sukkot ritual included juggling and gymnastics.

Sukkot Theology and Themes

Known in rabbinic literature as "the holiday," Sukkot's themes are of high importance.

Closing the Season of Repentance

Hoshanah Rabbah, the seventh day of Sukkot, marks the thematic end of the High Holiday period.

Sukkot in Modern Times

Some old customs have been revitalized

Sukkot History Up to the Second Temple Period

Observances in ancient times were associated with the land.

The Sukkot Paradox

Do walls make us secure or vulnerable?

What Is Hoshanah Rabbah?

The last day of Sukkot has its own rituals