Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz


Kedushah: Praising God Like Angels

This prayer recited during the Amidah is a bit of an outlier in the liturgy.

Non-Fixed Fast Days

Judaism has communal fasts that are not on the yearly calendar and numerous occasions when individuals may choose to fast.

Fast Days: Synagogue Laws & Customs

Fast days are acknowledged in the synagogue liturgy.

Fast Days for Repentance & Atonement

The Jewish calendar has a number of such days in addition to Yom Kippur.

The Rabbis’ Shabbat Part I: Prohibitions

The rabbis of antiquity used prohibitions to shape a Shabbat experience in which creative activity is set aside to make time for matters of the spirit. First of two parts.

The Rabbis’ Shabbat II: Enjoyment and Spiritual Fulfillment

The Rabbis used requirements and prohibitions to shape a Shabbat experience in which creative activity is set aside to make time for matters of the spirit. Second of two parts.
