
What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

Each Torah portion is paired with a passage from the Prophets.

The Promise of the Promised Land

In the Bible, possession of the Land of Israel is tied to moral behavior.

Hosea & Amos: Prophets to the North

Hosea and Amos share prophetic concern for a nation in turmoil.

Jonah’s Lesson in Divine Mercy

Scholars have long disagreed on the central message of the Book of Jonah.

A Crash Course in Early Jewish History

From biblical times to the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism.

The Many Faces of King David

David was a warrior and an artist, a lover and an adulterer — and also Israel's greatest king.

Bible 101

The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, is divided into three sections: Torah, Prophets and Writings.

Hebrew Bible: Torah, Prophets and Writings

The Bible, also known as Tanakh, is the founding document of the Jews.

Yom Kippur Haftarah: Isaiah 57:14-58:14

The complete text (in English) for this Yom Kippur reading.