

What Happens on the Day of Conversion

The particulars can vary, but typically it involves appearing before a Beit Din, immersing in a mikveh, and adopting a Hebrew name.

How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Convert?

Comprehensive knowledge of Judaism isn't a prerequisite for conversion, only a desire to be Jewish and a readiness to align one's fate with the Jewish people.

The Beit Din

The Jewish court of law.

What Is A Mikveh?

Whether you're dunking for conversion or for any other reason, here's what to expect at the ritual bath.

Reappropriating the Taboo

Bringing new meaning to the status of a menstruating woman.

Erev (Night Of) Yom Kippur

Preparatory customs and practices associated with the day preceding the Day of Atonement.

A Detailed Explanation of Niddah, or “Family Purity” Laws

How traditional Jewish women prepare for monthly mikveh use.
