What Happens on Erev Yom Kippur, the Night Before the Holiday?
Rituals for entering the Day of Atonement.
What Happens on the Day of Conversion
The particulars can vary, but typically it involves appearing before a Beit Din, immersing in a mikveh, and adopting a Hebrew name.
How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Convert?
Comprehensive knowledge of Judaism isn't a prerequisite for conversion, only a desire to be Jewish and a readiness to align one's fate with the Jewish people.
What Is A Mikveh?
Whether you're dunking for conversion or for any other reason, here's what to expect at the ritual bath.
Ask the Expert: Can I Use the Ocean as a Mikveh?
Ritual immersion in a natural body of water.
Erev (Night Of) Yom Kippur
Preparatory customs and practices associated with the day preceding the Day of Atonement.
A Detailed Explanation of Niddah, or “Family Purity” Laws
How traditional Jewish women prepare for monthly mikveh use.