Jewish Prayerbooks


What Is Hallel?

This prayer of thanksgiving is recited on festive Jewish holidays.

How to Choose a Siddur, or Jewish Prayer Book

It helps to know what lies behind the muted bindings and the denominational labels of today's wide array of possibilities.

Reforming Jewish Liturgy

Modernity has caused Jews of every ideology to relate differently to the content of their prayers.

The Shema

An affirmation of God’s singularity, its daily recitation is regarded by traditionally observant Jews as a biblical commandment.

Mahzor Contents: A Guide to the High Holidays Prayers

The High Holiday prayer book emphasize the themes of the Days of Awe — introspection and repentance

The Mahzor, or High Holiday Prayer Book

A prayer book for the High Holidays.

Ashrei: Psalm 145

The internal and external structure of this carefully-crafted Psalm serves to reinforce its theme of praising God as the caring, divine ruler of all creation.

Preliminary Morning Blessings and Psalms

Jewish liturgy encourages spiritual preparation prior to the main section of the morning service.

Dramatizing the Torah

The Torah reading in most synagogues is inaccessible, the author says, and needs to be "livened up" through the use of drama and performance art.

The Torah Service

The Torah is taken out during prayer services on Shabbat, Mondays and Thursdays.
