Hasidic Mysticism


What Hasidic Wisdom Teaches About Sadness

Holism, healing and the heart in Hasidic theology.

Chabad Messianism

Messianism in Chabad-Lubavitch challenges Jews of all denominations to consider the limits of Jewish theology.

The Tzaddik, or Rebbe

A Hasidic spiritual leader believed to maintain a channel to God.

Shneur Zalman of Liady

Founder of the Chabad school of Hasidism.

Who Was Rav Nachman of Breslov?

Famous for his sayings, stories and charisma, this Hasidic leader inspired a movement that is still vibrant today.

The Theology of Chabad

The problem of divine withdrawal inspires an alternate view of the universe.

Hasidic Mysticism

Hasidism spread mystical ideas to the masses of East-European Jewry.

The Baal Shem Tov

The founder of Hasidism is shrouded in legend and mystery.

Literature of and on Hasidism

The Hasidim wrote and told stories about their leaders.
