Contemporary Issues on Jewish Death


Why Bury?

A three-part argument against an increasing trend, even among Jews, towards cremation instead of burial.

Helping Children of Different Ages Cope with a Death

Adults help children most when they express their own sorrow and respond to questions in a truthful, yet age-appropriate way.

Contemporary Issues in Jewish Death, Burial and Mourning

Multi-faith families, neonatal loss, autopsies and suicide

A Yizkor prayer for stillborn and infant deaths

A contemporary rabbi offers a prayer to be recited throughout the year by parents who have suffered neonatal loss.

How to Mourn Stillbirth and Neonatal Death

New Jewish guidelines for coping with the loss of a child.

Autopsies and Jewish Law: An Orthodox Perspective

Contrary to popular belief, Jewish law does not have an absolute prohibition on this post-death procedure.

Death and Special Issues of the Body

An overview of autopsy, organ donation, and cremation in Jewish tradition and practice.

Mourning Non-Jewish Loved Ones: A Reform Perspective

Death and burial issues for interfaith families and Jews by choice.
