
By the Grace of God

With animal sacrifices a thing of the past, how do modern Jews achieve atonement?

What Time Do Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Start and End This Year?

Enter your zip code to find this year’s High Holidays dates, start times, and end times, so you know when ...

Yom Kippur 2022

In 2022, Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Tuesday, Oct. 4, and ends at sundown on Wednesday, Oct. 5.

Why Yom Kippur Is a Joyous Holiday

Jewish texts portray Yom Kippur as a serious day of repentance and reflection — but not one of sadness.

In Praise of Public “Guilt Offerings”

Because asking for forgiveness is a holy act.

Yom Kippur 2016

Click here for more questions and answers about Yom Kippur.When is Yom Kippur?Yom Kippur 2016 begins at sunset on Tuesday, ...

The Jewish View of Sin

Each person has the inclination to do both good and bad.

Confessing Our Sins

The two prayers, Ashamnu and Al Chet constitute the Jewish confession.

What is Sin?

A modern interpretation of sin and repentance.