FREE STUFF: Breaking Matzo Aprons


Just in time for Passover a new online resource has launched called Breaking Matzo, aiming to make the holiday magical, memorable and meaningful with a host of delicious and fun ideas. Founded by Boston venture capitalist Andy Goldfarb, Breaking Matzo seeks to combine food, fun and philosophy into a user-friendly platform, inviting users to share their own Passover stories and experiences. And for us at The Nosher, the food is always most important: Breaking Matzo has all the traditional recipes you will need to make a wonderful seder, and a few modern updates too like charoset chicken salad and “lucky” matzah balls stuffed with gribenes.

Choc_Covered_Matzo_Breaking matzo

And even luckier than Andy’s gibenes-stuffed matzah balls are the THREE Nosher readers who will get to finish their Passover prep wearing one of these cute Breaking Matzo aprons. Enter below to win one of their aprons, and don’t forget to check out Breaking Matzo for additional Passover resources!

Caroline and Andy breaking matzo



a Rafflecopter giveaway


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