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ZIVUG: Activist Couples Transitioning to Marriage

Hosted By: Hebrew College

Join Rabbi Getzel to explore the growth and maintenance of vibrant relationships through Jewish wisdom, text study, guided exercises, and frank conversations. This is a class for folks specifically interested in exploring power dynamics, feminism, and how our decisions as a couple impact the world. Open to couples (all gender and multifaith expressions of partnership strongly welcome) in the year preceding or following a wedding who are interested in a conscious and healthy transition to marriage.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Hebrew College

Hebrew College is an innovative national institute for Jewish learning and leadership based in Newton, Massachusetts. We are dedicated to Jewish literacy, creativity, and community, and a world of dignity and compassion for all. Our students are future rabbis, cantors, and educators, and people at every stage of life who love to learn. Together, we are infusing Jewish life with substance, spirit, beauty, imagination, and a sense of purpose.
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