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“The Escape Artist” Book Premiere

Hosted By: The Museum of Jewish Heritage-- A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

This in-person conversation between award-winning journalist and bestselling novelist Jonathan Freedland and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and writer David Remnick celebrates Freedland’s new book The Escape Artist. The Escape Artist tells the incredible story of Rudolf Vrba, the first Jew to break out of Auschwitz — one of only four who ever pulled off that feat— to reveal the truth of the death camp to the world and to warn the last Jews of Europe about what awaited them at the end of the railway line. Against all odds, Vrba and his fellow escapee Fred Wetzler climbed mountains, crossed rivers, and narrowly avoided German bullets to bring their first full account of Auschwitz to the world; their forensically detailed report that eventually reached Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and the Pope.

In-person admission includes a signed copy of The Escape Artist. Seating is first come, first served. Virtual admission does not include the book, which will be available at shop.mjhnyc.org. Jonathan will add personalized book signings after the event.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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