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No Regrets

Hosted By: Sixth & I

Should our mistakes be a source of shame, or pride? Following up on Dan Pink’s The Power of Regret book talk, Sixth & I’s Rabbi Aaron explores the ways Judaism embraces our regrets instead of denying them. Examine ancient and contemporary texts that regard risk, failure, and brokenness as tools for personal transformation. Discuss how to move past regret, instead of being stuck in it.

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How to Count the Omer

A guide to the ritual that occurs between Passover and Shavuot.

Counting the Omer

The days between Passover and Shavuot are considered a time of mourning.

Counting the Omer…Counting my Blessings

A series by Jewish moms and dads with LGBTQ children. When a child comes out, a coming out process begins ...