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My Second-Favorite Country: A Conversation with Sivan Zakai

Hosted By: Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education

Israel has long occupied a prominent place in the lives and imaginations of American Jews, serving as both a symbolic touchstone and a source of intercommunal conflict. Sivan Zakai‘s forthcoming book, My Second-Favorite Country: How American Jewish Children Think About Israel, is based on the major findings from her research project with MCSJE on Children’s Learning About Israel. This project was the first longitudinal study of how American Jewish children come to think and feel about Israel, tracking their evolving conceptions from kindergarten to fifth grade.

In this event to mark the publication of the book, Zakai and her fellow panelists will explore the implications for the theory and practice of Jewish education. Panelists include Keren E. Fraiman (Spertus Institute), Robbie Gringras (educator, performer and writer), and Jonah Hassenfeld (Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston), moderated by Sharon Feiman-Nemser (Brandeis University).

My Second-Favorite Country is available for pre-order from NYU Press; a 30% off code will be available to those attending the webinar.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.

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