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Prayer Book Hebrew with Maven

Hosted By: American Jewish University

Intro to Prayer Book Hebrew Wednesday, 1:00 PM

  • For those of you who always wanted to read Hebrew – here is your chance! Join this class to learn how to read print letters with vowels in 8 weeks of 2-hour sessions. No prior knowledge of Hebrew needed. We will be using the book “A Reading and Prayer Primer” This book is out of print. for the Digital Book email a request to hebrew@aju.edu

Prayer Book Hebrew Level 4 Wednesday, 7:00 PM

  • For our beginning Prayer Book students that are half-way through the book. You will be studying the word את with ending, this and that, possessive ending, more parts of prayers and blessings. We will be using the textbook: “Prayerbook Hebrew The Easy Way” Chapter 14-17. Requires purchasing the textbook in advance from Amazon HERE. https://www.amazon.com/Prayerbook-Hebrew-Easy-Joseph-Anderson/dp/0939144328/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Prayerbook+Hebrew+The+Easy+Way+Siddur+Sim+Shalom&qid=1

Prayer Book Hebrew Level 3 Wednesday, 7:00 PM

  • .Join AJU Instructor Sarah Har Shalom as this level 3 beginner course teaches you the Hebrew found in a Jewish prayerbook, and is for those with some prior knowledge or who have taken the lower-level courses with us. This session, we dive into chapters 10- 13 of our textbook, ‘Hebrew the Easy Way,’ and will focus on Hebrew roots,verbs, and blessings. Requires purchasing the text book in advance on Amazon HERE. https://www.amazon.com/Prayerbook-Hebrew-Easy-Joseph-Anderson/dp/0939144328/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Prayerbook+Hebrew+The+Easy+Way+Siddur+Sim+Shalom&qid=1

Modern Hebrew Intermediate 3 Wednesday, 10:00 PM

  • For our intermediate students. Topics include: First and later, uniqe places in Jerusalem, advertisments, directions, and more verbs and infinitives. We will be using the text book “Hebrew From Scratch Part 1” Pesek Zman Dalet-lesson 21. You can purchase the book on amazon HERE https://www.amazon.com/Hebrew-Scratch-Part-HaHatchala-HaChadash/dp/B0035G8WME/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=MLyQ2&pf_rd_p=5e0f7f8d-f321-4a3e-bdac-3142fcd848d7&pf_rd_r=DH5B9Q1

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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