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Halakhot (Jewish Laws) of Mental Illness

Hosted By: Drisha

This series will consider how Halakhah (Jewish law) responds to mental illness, considering topics from their earliest sources to contemporary application. We will consider various scenarios (people who experience psychotic episodes, anorexia, and borderline personality disorder), examine the challenges that come with them, and the various solutions that might be offered to mitigate these challenges.

February 7: Is someone suffering from anorexia exempt from any obligation on their way to recovery?

February 14: Can we allow journaling on Shabbat for someone suffering from depression or Borderline Personality Disorder?

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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Judaism and Mental Illness

While Jews were instrumental in establishing the field of psychology, the Jewish community is not always comfortable dealing with those who suffer from psychiatric conditions.

Understanding Eating Disorders

What starts as a negative attitude about body size and distorted relationship with food can quickly spiral into a major health issue. Here’s what you need to know about the warning signs and ways to treat this serious condition.

How to End the Stigma of Mental Illness

Dealing with emotional health issues is tough enough without people judging you for it. Here’s how to fight back.
