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A Conversation with Emily Bowen Cohen

Hosted By: The Braid

Join a conversation with author Emily Bowen Cohen as she discusses her poignant debut graphic novel, “Two Tribes,” a story inspired by her own experience of being both Jewish and Native American.

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Emily Bowen Cohen

Emily Bowen Cohen is a writer and visual artist. This summer, she was the Peleh Foundation Artist-in-Residence in Berkeley, CA. Her graphic novel, Two Tribes, will be published June 2023 by Heartdrum, a Native-focused imprint at HarperCollins. Emily’s background informs her passion for creating complicated Indigenous characters. She is a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and grew up in rural Oklahoma. Her father was the Chief of Staff at their tribal hospital and her mother is a nice Jewish girl from New Jersey. After her father’s early death, she was separated from her Native family. A decade later, she returned to Oklahoma for a bittersweet homecoming. She’s been writing and drawing stories about the weirdness of being Indigenous in America ever since.
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The Braid

THE BRAID shares and performs inspiring Jewish stories that connect us all.
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