

Teaching After Tragedy

After an attack, how do we keep showing up?

Tisha B’Av: Why Commemorate Tragedy?

Every person has a different way of dealing with grief; some cry, shout, pray, fast, or choose to celebrate and remember ...

Orlando, Or-Anywhere

In the South, we often joke that central and southern Florida are just a little south of Manhattan – i.e., ...

When Life Hands Us A New Lesson Plan

As teachers, we put a great deal of planning into our lessons. We give a lot of thought to what ...

What Tisha B’Av Can Learn From Ramadan

I did not fast during Ramadan. But I did somehow experience a little bit of the meaning of the Muslim ...

A Hundred Thousand Miracles

I cannot remember the last time I switched on the news—be it on the television or the radio—or glanced at a newspaper headline ...

Shalom, At Passover And Always

We had another post for today, which we will share later, but in light of yesterday’s tragic shootings at two ...

On Coming Together Over Brokenness

 November 9, 2013, marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass.” It is the night many point ...

The day I went to the Boston Marathon: from Inspiration to Anger

Yesterday, Rabbi Rebecca Sirbu posted a thoughtful and heartfelt prayer by our colleague, Rabbi Aaron Weininger in response to the ...

Blessings for Boston

In lieu of our regularly scheduled blog post today, the staff of the ISJL all send our love, thoughts, and ...
