Silver & Gold Study Buddies
My Jewish life has always been active. I became a Bat Mitzvah right on time, inherited the position of cantorial ...
A Letter to Students: The Lesson of Elijah
Dearest Students,Early on in the academic year (and the Jewish New Year!), I thought it would be a poignant time ...
Why We Need “Obsolete” Ritual
“Habemus Papam!” — “We have a pope!” After days of breathless anticipation by Catholics around the world, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran ...
Ayeikah – Where Y’At?
What’s Jewish about… The N’awlins phrase “Where Y’At?” Eating cheese grits soufflé in Alexandria, Louisiana? Cheering “Roll Tide” on Wednesday, ...
Chanukah/Hanukkah: So Many Ways to Celebrate
The Daf Yomi (Hebrew for “page a day”), is a program for learning Talmud. Participants study one page a day, ...
Coming to Learn, Going to Teach
When you think “summer in Mississippi,” the first thing that comes to mind is the heat.But for some people, what ...