

From a Passover of Alienation to a Passover of Empathy

Our love and concern must radiate out beyond the us towards the them.

The Land of Israel DOES NOT Belong to the People of Israel

Israel’s legendary Foreign Minister Abba Eban once stood at the podium of the United Nations general assembly with a Bible ...

Passover, Shabbat and Rat Poison – Poisoning Ourselves With the Poison Used Against Us

This year the first day of Passover fell on Shabbat. Can we find a deeper connection between Shabbat and Passover?Perhaps we ...

We Are a Nation of Immigrants

Last night I participated in my town of Westborough’s Interfaith Thanksgiving. Our program was entitled ‘Welcoming the Stranger’, recalling that ...

Passover Isn’t What it Used to Be – And Why That’s a Good Thing!

One of the most oft-repeated themes of the Torah is that we must remember that we were slaves and strangers ...
