small town


When Running Out of Prayer Books Is A Good Thing

Recently I had the privilege of participating in the Southern Jewish Historical Society Conference in Natchez, MS, organized by the ...

A Small-World Story from the Small Southern Town of El Dorado, Arkansas

Nestled in South Arkansas, El Dorado is a small town with a big history. Recently, this small town reminded us ...

When You’re The First Jewish Friend

“You were my first Jew, you know,” a friend reminded me the other day.What she meant was, I’m the first ...

Jewish History in Ruleville, Mississippi (Bonus: Early Example of Photobomb!)

Ruleville is a small town in the Mississippi Delta. Most famously known as the birthplace of legendary organizer of the ...

“Southern & Jewish” Does Not Mean “Less Jewish”

My family flew to Los Angeles two weeks ago to attend the funeral of my father-in-law, z’’l. We had been ...

Why I Loved Those Jewish Mice

The stereotype that “Jews run Hollywood” didn’t come up much when I was a little kid; I doubt it comes up for most kids. ...

Mezuzah Spotting

“Look… a Jewish home!”As a small child, I found mezuzah spotting to be a very exciting game. We were the only ...

Southern (Jewish) Exposure

My last year has been full of change: I got married. My husband got a new job, out of state. ...

Being Jewish in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Today’s guest post comes from our friend Andrea Levy, a fairly recent transplant to Jonesboro, Arkansas. Thanks for sharing your ...

Sports? I’m More a Fan of Random Jewish Discoveries

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame. They had arranged a viewing of ...
