

A Pesach full of Aloha!

I was a little anxious about having a “Pesadic” experience in Hawaii

My Friends in Israel Are Not All Israeli

With the recent violence and escalation in the Middle East, my mind is on Israel. With every report of a ...

Shab-bark Shalom, Y’all!

For over 20 years at my home synagogue, Temple Sinai of New Orleans, Rabbi Edward Cohn has presided over a ...

Blessings for Boston

In lieu of our regularly scheduled blog post today, the staff of the ISJL all send our love, thoughts, and ...

Living the Dream: Remembering Dr. King

Today marks the 45th anniversary of the tragic assassination of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the balcony of ...

Jewish in the South, Sikh in the Midwest, Americans Everywhere

Along with the nation, we mourn for the loss of life at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. We mourn, too, ...
