shalom y’all


Shalom Y’All: Southern Jewish Ambassador Fashion

For many of us at the Institute of Southern Jewish Life, Mississippi is our home by choice rather than our ...

How To Prepare for a Southern Jewish Experience: Rachel’s Top 5 Picks

I’m prepping for the trip: 20 young Jews from across the country are going to meet in New Orleans on October ...

Shalom Y’all, Baby!

There are two words powerfully associated with the Southern Jewish experience: Shalom Y’all. In just two little words, so much ...

Southern & Jewish Hanukkah Gift Guide. Happy Thanksgivukkah, Y’all!

Howdy, y’all! As the leaves turn colors and the days cool down, we’re gearing up for Hanukkah and Thanksgiving — and, of ...

Shabbat Cotton

In the early days of the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, photographer Bill Aron hit the road, capturing images ...

Memorial Day: May Their Memories Be a Blessing

On this Memorial Day, we recall all those who have given their lives defending our freedom.Throughout American history, Jews have ...
