Sandy Hook
Beyond Despair, Our Responsibility to the Children of Newtown
What has changed in the three years since Newtown? The children and teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary were no different ...
Looking Back on Newtown With Sadness, Anger and Love
On Friday, December 14, 2012, I heard the news in the car. Shots were being fired in an elementary school ...
The blessing of lack
Kabbalah is an attempt to understand the brokenness of the universe.The other night, my chevruta (Study partner) and I were ...
WTF and Other Essential Prayers
I’ve always been suspicious of the “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” crowd. Generally, the eternally sunny scare ...
Rabbi, How do we respond to this tragedy?
First we cry, then we act.The murders that occurred on Friday at the Sandy Hook Elementary School are beyond my ...