Pew Survey of American Jewish attitudes
Judaism After Orthodoxy: Insights into the “OTD” Movement
Many of us have read some of the recent memoirs written by people who have left their Orthodox community of ...
How Jewish Is Bernie Sanders?
How Jewish is Bernie Sanders? This question rose to the surface after Sanders’ historic victory in the New Hampshire Democratic ...
Talking about Rabbis
Yesterday, during preparations for the graduation ceremony for the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, I caught a glimpse of the glow on the ...
Death and Rebirth: A Holocaust Complex
If I lived alone on Planet Laura, I would stop writing about the Pew survey, in protest against unproductive, polarized ...
It’s Not You, It’s Me: The Pew Study and Talented Tenth Judaism
By now, if you are reading this, you undoubtedly have been inundated with punditry about the meaning of the Pew ...
A New Spiritual Comfort Zone: Reflecting on the Pew Study
As Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz says, statistics in the Pew Research Center’s survey of American Jewish attitudes and beliefs are wide ...