

Neighbors and Strangers

I received a hate call two weeks ago. It came right after I had had the honor of offering an ...

Being Terrified, But Never Terrorized, In an LGBTQ Nightclub

In 2006, at age 23, I went to a gay bar for the first time.I went by myself, because I ...

From a Rabbi, An Open Letter to People Who Are LGBTQ

It is now four days since the heinous attack in Orlando. In the world of cable news, an eternity has ...

Hate Talk, the Nesting Ground for Orlando

This past Monday, exhausted from the stress of the Orlando tragedy and its reverberations of grief, my husband and I ...

In the Wake of Orlando, An Open Letter to LGBTQ Teens Everywhere

The last 72 hours are a study in contrast on what it means to be human. Jews across the world ...

A Bar Mitzvah In A Time Of Tragedy

I had planned to write about my eldest son’s bar mitzvah this weekend. I had planned to reflect upon some ...
