Open Orthodoxy


Orthodoxy And Its Discontents

I’ve just read a book whose sole purpose is to denigrate Open Orthodoxy, its institutions and its principles.Nevertheless, Why Open ...

Supporting My Gay Son

This morning The Torch,  a project of JOFA, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, shared the heartwarming story of a family adjusting to ...

Living “Out” Within the Orthodox Community

I grew up 100 percent Camp Ramah and United Synagogue Youth (both Conservative movement institutions), but after marrying a Modern ...

New Podcast Discusses the Intersection of Sex and Halakha

The first episode of “The Joy of Text” may make you blush. If it does, you’re likely its target audience. ...

Spiritual Nourishment at a Graduation?

I know that attending the Yeshivat Maharat graduation is the “right thing to do” but it is easy to forget, ...
