

How Facebook Can Make Museums More Social (And Why Jewish Organizations Should Pay Attention)

I’ve been active on Facebook since 2004. Right before I started college, Brandeis University was added to the then-still-exclusive site, ...

A Small-World Story from the Small Southern Town of El Dorado, Arkansas

Nestled in South Arkansas, El Dorado is a small town with a big history. Recently, this small town reminded us ...

How a Jewish Summer Internship Changed My Life

Living in Jackson, Mississippi, but devoid of a Southern accent, I am often asked where I’m from. When I confess that ...

Jewish History in Ruleville, Mississippi (Bonus: Early Example of Photobomb!)

Ruleville is a small town in the Mississippi Delta. Most famously known as the birthplace of legendary organizer of the ...

A Southern Jewish… Prosthetic Leg?

As a history intern for the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life this summer, one of my responsibilities was to ...

Passover in the Mississippi Delta

As Passover draws to a close, I’m reflecting on the seder I attended this year—a small and joyful gathering of ...

What’s Your Number?

I’ve been thinking about numbers lately. Not in a Jewish, gematria-type way, but in a way that kinda makes me wish I ...

Transplants, Replanting, and Reigniting: A Southern Jewish Story of Eternal Light

We use the phrase “transplants” often down here—referring to the “Yankees” who for one reason or another found themselves down South. ...

Getting to Know (Jewish) Natchez

Last week, I was on the road with TENT, a week-long traveling seminar on culture, history, and social justice for ...

Finding Jewish Life in Unexpected Places

I recently spent two weeks in Philadelphia participating in a two week seminar as part of my Museum Studies masters ...
