Holy Days & Festivals


The Spirituality of Just Hanging Out (Shemini Atzeret Edition)

Sunday night (October 4, 2015) begins Shemini Atzeret, the last festival in the summer/fall Jewish holiday cycle. For many moderns, ...

The True, Smelly, Dirty, World of the Sukkah

Sukkot, which begins Sunday, is called by our sages, “The season of our rejoicing.” But why should we rejoice?Just this ...

We Have Met the Enemy

On September 10, 1813, Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry led the U.S. Navy to victory in the pivotal Battle of Lake Erie, which ...

Uncovering Awe and Joy in Israel

“Ima, I’m eating breakfast. It tastes like home. I want to live here forever.”The simplicity and joy of my daughter’s ...

Who Knows Four?

What number comes to mind when you think about a Passover seder? Probably four. Four cups of wine. Four questions. Four sons. Especially those ...

A Jewish Obsession With Counting

Maybe you can relate. For the last few months I’ve attached a small device that counts my every step. At ...

Claiming Our Spiritual Ancestry

In the year 2000, I was still a newly-minted Jew, having completed my conversion in March of 1999. As Passover ...

Passover Isn’t What it Used to Be – And Why That’s a Good Thing!

One of the most oft-repeated themes of the Torah is that we must remember that we were slaves and strangers ...

Tzom Bechorot: Why I’m Fasting Before Passover

April 3, 2015, is Tzom Bechorot, Fast of the Firstborn when first-born Jews fast before the first seder of Passover. This day also ...

Horseradish Harvest: A Passover Gathering

Yesterday at Or Shalom Synagogue in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, we harvested horseradish from our synagogue garden. We are an ...
