

Greek Jewish Hanukkah Is Not A Paradox

Celebrating Hanukkah with unique Greek Jewish customs

Taking Greek Jewish Life to the Streets of New York

A family tradition turns into an annual Jewish Greek Festival for an entire city

A Hanukkah Lesson for Our Turbulent Political Times

As we approach our upcoming Festival of Lights, our stories about the Maccabees and our nation’s triumph over religious and ...

The Sound of Jewish Diversity

What is Jewish music?For some it is the violins of Klezmer. For others it is Leonard Bernstein. For Sarah Aroeste ...

Greek Burekas, A Treat at Shavuot or Year-Round

The Shavuot holiday is upon us. We celebrate our becoming a people committed to living the gift of receiving and ...

Children’s Album Renews Jewish Ladino Tradition

It was not until she was already on her way to adulthood, that singer Sarah Aroeste discovered the connection between ...

Passover, 70 Years After the Liberation

“It was the day before Passover, and our Division Chaplain, of the 42nd Rainbow Division sent out a notice that we were ...

Welcoming the Bride Modern Style

 Since I released my latest music video, “Boee Kala,” many friends, fellow musicians, and community members have asked me questions ...

Our Dreams of Home

When I think of home, I imagine the physical space I return to at night, the one with the white-washed ...

The Gift of Generations: A Mother’s Song

Mom. Mommy. Ima. Madre. Mother. No matter how many ways I say it, the concept still catches me by surprise ...
