

Learning Differently Leads to Better Outcomes

February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. Join us as we share stories that highlight the impact of inclusion ...

What Should We Do When Camp Feels Overwhelming?

February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. Join us as we share stories that highlight the impact of inclusion ...

A Girl and Her Best Friend

February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. Join us as we share stories that highlight the impact of inclusion ...

Meeting Inclusion Campers on Their Level

February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. Join us as we share stories that highlight the impact of inclusion ...

Integrating, Including, Celebrating and Needing All Types of Campers

February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. Join us as we share stories that highlight the impact of inclusion ...

The Culture of Inclusion Is a Culture of Kindness

We all have certain styles and habits, skills and abilities. In teams, social circles, family units, workplaces, etc., these differences ...

Jumping into the Deep End

There are professions, there are jobs, and there are fields that you go into because it matches everything you value. ...

For My House Shall Be a House of Prayer for All People

“For my house shall be a house of prayer for all people.” (Isaiah 56:5)We learn from the Torah that God ...

ELI Talks: Comedy, Disability, and the Inclusive Synagogue

After her synagogue did not know how to deal with her Tourette’s syndrome, it was Jewish camp that brought Pam ...


Difference is part of life. This is true for everyone, but particularly the case when disability is part of our ...
