

Open Hearts/Open Doors

More years ago than I care to admit, I was a camper at the JCC Camps at Medford in Medford, ...

The Case for Camp Inclusion

Originally posted on eJewishPhilanthropy.comThere’s no denying the rich, joyous, and stimulating experience of Jewish summer camp; research proves it contributes ...

Inclusion at Jewish Camp Is Our Jewish Responsibility

Jewish camp is a place where each child has the ability to make their own Jewish choices and learn what ...

It’s Jewish Disability Awareness Month!

February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month (JDAM)! JDAM is “a unified initiative to raise awareness and support efforts to foster ...

5 Things We Are Looking Forward To In 2015

2014 was a big year for Jewish camping and 2015 will be even better! Check out this list of 5 ...

Planning Ahead for a Special Summer

It’s only November, but I am already hearing the buzz of kids at Kiddush lunch talking about their plans for ...

Please Consider My Case

“You’ll see, he won’t want to leave in the end,” my wife, Cynthia, said. “He’s going to have the time ...

Summer Camp, Life Skills and Confidence

In partnership with The Jewish Week’s “The New Normal” blog, FJC is pleased to present a series of blog posts ...

Cold Feet

Later this month, my fifteen-year-old son, Jonah, is off to Camp B’Nai Brith (CBB) in the Laurentians, about an hour ...

Togetherness Squared

For the last four summers, whenever my wife, Cynthia, and I have put our son, Jonah, on the bus to ...
